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Top 5 Reasons Why USPTO Denied Your Trademark Application

One in five trademark applications fail their first examination according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We have highlighted the top 5 reasons behind this failure to help you ensure this doesn’t happen to you.

July 19, 2019

Can Street Artists Sue For Unauthorized Use of Their Work?

Adrian Falkner sued General Motors for using a portion of a mural he had painted on a parking garage in Detroit to promote an art gallery without his permission and in a way that only showed part of the mural and left off his signature and other copyright information.

October 20, 2018

A person setting up their camera

TVEyes, Fox News, and the Future of Fair Use

In 2015, the Second Circuit ruled that the four factors that make up the “fair use” exception analysis favored Google Books, and one year later the Supreme Court decided not to take up an appeal, leaving the Second Circuit’s decision in place.

October 09, 2018

A person signing a contract

What is Actually Included in an Inclusion Rider?

Whether inclusion riders will set the entertainment industry on its head and increase the power and presence of minorities in the TV and film world, remains to be seen, but, for those with the bargaining power and will to incorporate an inclusion rider into their own contracts, what matters is the language actually included in those individualized contracts.

September 25, 2018

People shopping for clothes

New Hope For Your Scandalous, Immoral, or Vulgar Trademark

The prohibition against approving immoral or scandalous trademarks has long been controversial, and led to legal disputes over everything from “Madonna”-branded wine in the 1930s to “Bubby Trap”-branded bras in the 1970s to quite a lot of things branded as “MILF” in more recent decades.

September 17, 2018

People watching a movie in a movie theatre

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Copyright Registration or Application is Needed to Bring Suit

The US Supreme Court will soon resolve a split among federal circuit courts regarding when a person claiming copyright infringement can bring an action to defend their property against alleged infringers.

September 07, 2018

A globe pointing toward Europe

The New European Privacy Laws and Your Business: Practical Tips For Avoiding Penalties

The new EU privacy laws apply to any business based anywhere the world (including the United States) that collects or stores any identifiable information, including names and email addresses, about people living in the 28 countries of the EU.

August 23, 2018

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