The Pros and Cons of Forming Your Business as an LLC or S-Corp in New York
Every business is different, and whether you have are in the process of forming a new business or growing a business for years, it might be important to learn more about the pros and cons of LLCs and S-Corps.
March 20, 2019
Protecting Yourself and Your Business When Forming a New York Business Partnership
Business partners not only have strict legal obligations to one another but can legally be on the hook for one another’s legal obligations to others - which is why you must understand how to protect yourself and your business in New York.
February 15, 2019
5 Steps Entrepreneurs Can Take Before New Year’s to Build a Better 2019
And just like that, 2018 is on its way out, and 2019 is only a few weeks away. We are here to help you and your business take stock as you enter into a new year, identify both potential legal stumbling blocks and opportunities for expansion, and take action on your behalf to help protect and build your company and brand.
December 20, 2018
What is Actually Included in an Inclusion Rider?
Whether inclusion riders will set the entertainment industry on its head and increase the power and presence of minorities in the TV and film world, remains to be seen, but, for those with the bargaining power and will to incorporate an inclusion rider into their own contracts, what matters is the language actually included in those individualized contracts.
September 25, 2018
The New European Privacy Laws and Your Business: Practical Tips For Avoiding Penalties
The new EU privacy laws apply to any business based anywhere the world (including the United States) that collects or stores any identifiable information, including names and email addresses, about people living in the 28 countries of the EU.
August 23, 2018
The New European Privacy Laws and Your Business: What is Now Prohibited?
The GDPR is a tremendously lengthy and complex set of rules, laid out in 99 separate articles. This post is a brief summary of the types of actions that are prohibited by the GDPR.
August 03, 2018
Advocates for the Creative Mind